Home Personal Finance Features And Benefits of a Good Credit Score You Need to Know

Features And Benefits of a Good Credit Score You Need to Know


TransUnion CIBIL is a credit bureau in India that provides credit scores. A credit score is a three-digit number ranging from 300 to 900. A credit score cannot exceed the maximum range of 900. The credit score determines the sanctioning of the load when requested by a person. The banks, NBFCs, or lenders who are about to lend or credit money, check the credit score before providing the loan. A credit score is an ability of a person that tells their ability to repay debts.

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What Is a Credit Score?

It is based on several factors like the length of history of the credit, types of credit used, and others. A good credit score helps in taking benefit of the credit products like credit cards. It also helps in securing low-interest rates, and rental housing or can also help you in acquiring employment opportunities.

There are more aspects of the credit score. All of them are discussed below. Understanding the importance of maintaining a good credit score and taking steps to improve it can help individuals achieve their financial goals and build a strong financial future. So, without further ado, let us try to understand the different dimensions of credit scores.

Features Of Credit Scores

The key features of credit scores are:

Three-digit number

Credit scores are three-digit numbers that range from 300 to 900. Higher scores indicate better creditworthiness, while lower scores suggest a higher risk of lending credits. There it is important to improve our credit scores. The tips to secure higher credit scores are discussed below. Read more to learn more.

Based on credit history

Credit scores are calculated based on an individual’s credit history. The history is dependent on the payment history, how the credit is utilized and where it is used, length of the period credit is being used, type of credit, and others.

Credit bureau reporting

Credit scores are reported by one of the four credit bureaus of India that is TransUnion CIBIL. They collect and maintain the credit information of the individuals. The factors that determine the credit score are discussed in detail below.

Different scoring models

There are different scoring models used to calculate credit scores, with the most used being FICO and VantageScore.

Used by lenders

Credit scores are used by lenders and creditors to determine a borrower’s ability and likelihood to repay the debts.

Impact credit decisions:

Credit scores can impact credit decisions such as loan approvals, interest rates, credit limits, and terms of credit.

Can be improved:

Do not worry if your credit score is low. Credit scores can be improved over time by making on-time payments, reducing credit utilization, and maintaining a good credit history.

It is essential to understand the features of credit scores and take steps to maintain a good credit score. It will help you to access better credit products and financial opportunities.

Benefits of a Good Credit

Benefits of a Good Credit Score

A good credit score can provide numerous benefits to an individual, including:

Access to better credit products

A good credit score can help you qualify for loans, credit cards, and other credit products with better terms and lower interest rates. This is a great advantage that reduces your effort and time to access credit products.

Lower interest rates

A good credit score may help you secure a lower interest rate on your loans. It can save you money in interest payments over time.

Higher credit limits

With a good credit score, you may be approved for higher credit limits, which can provide you with more flexibility in your borrowing and spending.

Easier approval for rental applications

Many landlords, banks, money lenders or NBFCs require a credit check as part of the rental application process, and a good credit score can make it easier to get approved for a rental property.

Better job opportunities

Some employers may check credit reports as part of their hiring process, particularly for positions that involve financial responsibility. A good credit score can help you stand out as a trustworthy candidate.

Lower insurance premiums

Many insurance companies use credit scores as a factor when determining premiums for policies like auto and home insurance. A good credit score may result in lower insurance premiums.

Strong negotiating power

With a good credit score, you may have more negotiating power when it comes to loan terms, interest rates, and other credit-related matters.

Housing opportunities

Many landlords and property managers use credit scores to screen potential tenants. A good credit score can help individuals qualify for rental properties and secure better rental terms.

Overall, having a good credit score can provide a wide range of financial benefits and opportunities, making it an important factor to consider when managing your finances.

How To Improve Your Credit Score?

Improving your credit score takes time and effort, but there are several steps you can take to help improve your creditworthiness. Here are some tips to improve your credit score:

  • Pay your bills on time
  • Reduce your credit utilization
  • Check your credit report
  • Do not close old credit accounts
  • Avoid opening new credit accounts
  • Diversify your credit mix
  • Seek professional help

Remember that improving your credit score takes time and effort, but by following these tips, you can gradually improve your creditworthiness over time.



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